Sunday 4 January 2015



Full Backup
  • It will be a complete backup
Incremental (Differential) Backup
  • It will be applied on full backup and cannot be created until full backup exists
  • Each differential backup will contain all the changes since full backup has been taken
  • Header of the database has special page called DCM (Differential Change Map), this page will have the list of all pages which have been changed after full backup.
  • Once we take a full backup, DCM will be wiped out.
  • Differential Backup 1 = changes made after full backup
  • Differential Backup 2 = changes made after full backup
  • Differential Backup N = changes made after full backup
Transaction Log Backup
  • It will be applied on full backup and cannot be created until full backup exists
  • Each transactional log backup will contain the data which has been changed after full backup/last transactional log backup
  • Each transaction will have LSN (Log Sequence Number). Each transactional log backup will contain the data (COMMITTED) since last LSN which was part of full backup/last transactional log backup.
  • Any gap in LSN will corrupt taking/restoring backup, which can be solved by taking a full backup.
  • Transactional Log Backup 1 = changes made after full backup
  • Transactional Log Backup 2 = changes made after Transactional Log Backup 1
  • Transactional Log Backup 3 = changes made after Transactional Log Backup 2
  • Transactional Log Backup N = changes made after Transactional Log Backup N-1
FileGroup Backup

  • Lock the database and lock all transactions
  • Place a mark in transaction log
  • Releases lock
  • Extracts all the pages from database files and put them in backup device
  • Lock the database and lock all transactions
  • Place a mark in transaction log
  • Releases lock
  • Extracts all the pages between marks and append them in backup

  • If it is full backup then it is very easy to restore it using a wizard.
  • If it is differential/transactional log backup, we have to follow below steps
    • Restore a full backup WITH NORECOVERY option.
    • Once you restore a backup WITH NORECOVERY, it will display like this.
    • Restore a first transactional log backup WITH NORECOVERY option
    • Restore final transactional log backup / differential backup WITH RECOVERY option which is default
    • Once backup has been restored WITH RECOVERY option, no other transactional / differential backup can be restored on top of that.

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