Thursday 1 January 2015

For Analyze Data or Using Data Profiling Task

Sometimes, you may need to review the data source before initiating processing of the data from that source. You may want to review the source for NULL values in columns, distinct rows etc. This initial analysis of data before processing it may help the developers in building the logic based on that data. To perform such an analysis, Data Profiling Task of SSIS can be used.
To use Data Profiling Task, drag the same from SSIS Tool Box to the Control flow. Double click the task and following window will be displayed:
Click the drop down ,create a new File connection as shown below and Click Ok:
Now, since the destination connections are set, we will proceed to set the Requests.
Note: Requests indicate the different ways in which we want to analyze source.
Click the “Quick Profile” button shown in below image:
Configure settings as shown in below figure:
Now click Ok and a dialogue box will open showing the requests selected for analyzing data. Refer figure below:
Now run the Task. Once the execution is completed go to Data Profiler Viewer in Windows or double click the Data Profiling Task and open Data Profiler Viewer as shown:
After clicking the button, following window will open, Click Open as shown in below screenshot:
Browse to the location of XML file as specified in Destination of Data Profile Task. Click OK and following window will open:
Now select any of the options pointed in above figure and fetch the source information.

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