Thursday 17 March 2016


Xp_readerrorlog or sp_readerrorlog has 7 parameters.
Xp_readerrorlog <Log_FileNo>,<Log_Type>,<Keyword-1>,<Keyword-2>,<Date1>,<Date2>,<’Asc’/’Desc’>
Log_FileNo: -1: All logs
0: Current log file
1: No1 archived log file etc
Log_Type: 1: SQL Server
2: SQL Agent
KeyWord-1: Search for the keyword
KeyWord-2: Search for combination of Keyword 1 and Keyword 2
Date1 and Date2: Retrieves data between these two dates
‘Asc’/’Desc’: Order the data
EXEC Xp_readerrorlog 0 – Current SQL Server log
EXEC Xp_readerrorlog 0, 1 – Current SQL Server log
EXEC Xp_readerrorlog 0, 2 – Current SQL Agent log
EXEC Xp_readerrorlog -1 – Entire log file
EXEC Xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, ’dbcc’ – Current SQL server log with dbcc in the string
EXEC Xp_readerrorlog 1, 1, ’dbcc’, ’error’ – Archived 1 SQL server log with dbcc and error in the string
EXEC xp_readerrorlog -1, 1, ‘dbcc’, ‘error’, ‘2012-02-21’, ‘2012-02-22′,’desc’
Search entire sql server log file for string ‘dbcc’ and ‘Error’ within the given dates and retrieves in descending order.
Note: Also, to increase the number of log files, add a new registry key “NumErrorLogs” (REG_DWORD) under below location.
By default, this key is absent. Modify the value to the number of logs that you want to maintain.

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