Thursday 17 March 2016

Why sql server is better than other databases?

I am not going to say one is better than other, but it depends on the requirements. We have number of products in market. But if I have the chance to choose one of them I will choose SQL SERVER because…..
  • According to the 2005 Survey of Wintercorp, The largest SQL Server DW database is the 19.5 terabytes. It is a database of a European Bank
  • High Security. It is offering high level of security.
  • Speed and Concurrency, SQL Server 2005 system is able to handles 5,000 transactions per second and 100,000 queries a day and can scale up to 8 million new rows of data per day,
  • Finally more technical peoples are available for SQL SERVER when we compare to any other database.
So that we can say SQL SERVER is more than enough for any type of application.

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