Saturday 2 January 2016

SSRS - Alternating Table Row Color In SSRS Step by Step

Alternating Table Row Color  In SSRS Step by Step

Here is an example from AdventureWorks Database.

Sql Script.

SELECT TOP 1000 [StateProvinceID]
  FROM [AdventureWorks].[Person].[StateProvince]

Select the Header Row of the table in the report.
Go to Properties Window.
 Under the BackgroundColor property, Select color from drop down.

Now, Select the Data Row of the table in the report.
Go to Properties Window.

Under the BackgroundColor property, select expression from the drop down.
Enter the expression "=IIF(RowNumber(Nothing) mod 2 = 0, "SeaGreen","Pink") " in the Expression Window.
Click OK.
Below is a Preview of a SSRS report with two different colors for alternate rows.

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