Saturday 2 January 2016

SSRS - Create SSRS report using Excel Data Source Step by Step

By creating a report using Excel as a Data Source we will follow the following steps ...

Right click on Shared Data Source folder and choose Add New Data Source. A new popup screen will open. Give the Data Source Name and Choose ODBC from the dropdown box.

Then Click on Edit button. A new screen will open. From the new screen i.e. Connection Properties go to the Use user or system data source name and from the drop down choose Excel Files .

Then Choose the Use Connection String and click on Build button. A new pop up screen will open . Click on New button.

Then click on Next button

Choose the Microsoft Excel Driver and click on Next button and then click on Finish button.

Then click on Select Workbook button and choose the file and click on OK button.

Click on OK

Test the connection and press OK.

Click on OK.
Click on Reports folder and choose add new items and choose Report. Map your Data Source and click OK.

Right click on Dataset Folder and Write the query for the table. (I have used a very simple query .For ex.)

This is Your Report from Excel data source.

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